The mproduction accessories are designed to improve the performance of the ovens and / or expand their functions (example: baking bread when the oven is off).

Their use does not affect the original structure of the ovens.

Any improper use and any use other than that indicated falls under the responsibility of the end user. mproduction is not liable for any damage to things or people caused by the improper use of accessories.

All trademarks shown belong to their legitimate owners; third party trademarks, product names, trade names, corporate names and companies mentioned may be trademarks owned by their respective owners or registered trademarks of other companies and are used for explanatory purposes only and for the benefit of the owner, without any purpose of violating Copyright rights in force.


(8 customer reviews)


Thanks to this disc you can rotate the pizza 180 degrees while cooking, with the new system you will no longer need the uncomfortable fork. Made with the collaboration of Salvo Sgrò

watch the video of the modification in action

It is necessary to flare a few millimeters in the center of the oven. The bit to mount on the screwdriver is included.

Stone not included.
After the purchase, a link will be sent on how to carry out the flaring.

Ours are artisanal products therefore, they may have micro abrasions or imperfections that do not compromise their functionality.


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thanks to the idea of Salvo Sgrò we made this disc for your illillo
Stone support disc in AISI 304 stainless steel with a thickness of 2mm including a tip for flaring in the oven

At the center of the disc there is a small pin which favors the rotation of the disc; it is therefore necessary to make a small countersink. The kit includes the tip prepared with the mark to measure to make the hole.
Warning. If it is placed on the stove at home, do not raise it to the maximum temperature as the disc could become deformed

and was made 2mm to find a middle ground as 1.5 was too thin and 3mm would have been too thick for height clearance factor